Children’s Choir at the Ryde Christian Heritage Concert

On Sunday 28 August, the Loosavorich children’s choir of the Church of Holy Resurrection led by choirmaster, Deacon Vartan Elmasian participated in the Ryde Christian Heritage concert singing hymns from the Divine Liturgy. The concert was held at St Anne’s Church in Ryde. It followed the annual Ryde Christian Heritage Walk, an event which commemorates the first Christian service held in the area by Rev William Henry on August 26, 1796.

Photographed with the choir & Deacon Elmasian are Reverend Father Avetis Hambardzumyan and Mayor of Ryde, Councillor Artin Etmekdjian.

Divine Liturgy in Singapore

Reverend Father Norayr Patanian accompanied by Yeretsgin Sonia met with the Armenian Community in Singapore from 22-27 July 2011 under the patronage of His Eminence Archbishop Aghan Baliozian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Australia and New Zealand.

On Saturday evening a social community gathering was held and on Sunday, the Reverend Father celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Armenian Apostolic Church of St Gregory the Illuminator. Also present for the weekend were Armenians from Malyasia.

‘From Ararat to Zion’ Screens in Australia

The Armenian Church Council of Australia in NSW, under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Aghan Baliozian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Australia, welcomed Reverend Father Mesrop Aramian, writer and producer of the award-winning documentary film ‘From Ararat to Zion’ to Sydney accompanied by his wife on 27 July 2011.

The Reverend Father was invited as a guest of the parish for the premiere screening of the film which took place on Friday 29 July to a capacity filled theatre of 400 people that included dignitaries and members of the Armenian Community of Sydney.  The film was so highly anticipated a second screening was held on Sunday 31 July to another sell out crowd.

‘From Ararat to Zion’ traces the footprints of Armenian pilgrims to the Holy Land from the earliest times of Christianity. The film was first screened in Armenia in 2010 and has subsequently been hosted in cinemas worldwide.

During Father Aramian’s visit to Sydney, he has had the opportunity to meet with community groups and schools, celebrate the Divine Liturgy at the Church of Holy Resurrection and present talks on his various projects in Armenia.

Father Aramian will conclude his Sydney visit on Thursday 4 August and will stopover in Singapore on return to Armenia to be met by members of the small Armenian Community there.

Blessing of Sydney Team Heading to Armenia

On Sunday 31 July, Reverend Father Avetis Hambardzumyan met with a team of Armenian youth from the Homenetmen Ararat Sporting Group and blessed them for the journey ahead to Yerevan for the 2011 Pan Armenian Games to be held from 13-21 August. The team consists of fourteen young men, eleven of which will compete in basketball and three in the table tennis tournament.

From Ararat to Zion – Documentary Film


Organised by the Armenian Aposotlic Church of Holy Resurrection


When:  Friday, 29 July 2011

Where: Hoyts Chatswood Westfield Cinema Complex – Cinema Two

Time: 7.30 pm (seating from 7.00pm)

Tickets: $20, Limited La Premiere tickets available at $30 (Advance purchase only)

Bookings: Church office 94198056 – Sarkis Mouradian 0425 303 131 – John Marcarian 0413 813 813 – Laura Artinian 0409 049 304

Bible Study Youth Social Night

On Sunday 12 June, youth Bible study took a twist with a break from learning and topical discussions to an evening dedicated solely to socialising. It was a good opportunity for everyone to become more closely acquainted and to forge stronger friendships over delicious Armenian kebab, music, fun and games.

Youth aged 18 onwards gather in the church hall every Sunday fortnight for a warm atmosphere of fellowship when issues of interest are discussed and explored from a scriptural perspective. The sessions are led by the Parish Priest, Reverend Father Avetis Hambardzumyan.

For information on upcoming youth nights contact Fr Avetis in the church office on 9419-8056.

See photos in Photo Gallery

Fr Hambardzumyan Celebrates Divine Liturgy in Melbourne

On Sunday 5 June, Reverend Father Avetis Hambardzumyan, Parish Priest of the Church of Holy Resurrection celebrated the Divine Liturgy and gave the day’s sermon at St Mary’s Armenian Church in Melbourne on the occasion of the Feast of the Holy Ascension. On this occasion the Armenian Apostolic Church also celebrates the significant historical relocation of the Armenian Catholicosate in 1441 from Sis to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

Read the Armenian Press Release

Pastoral Visit to New Zealand

His Eminence Archbishop Aghan Baliozian, Primate of the Diocese of Australia made his annual pastoral visit to the mission parishes of Auckland and Wellington on Thursday 2 June. He was accompanied on the trip by Very Reverend Father Giragos Davtyan, parish priest of St Mary’s Armenian Church in Melbourne and Ms Marina Avagyan, Co-ordinator of ‘Voice of the Armenian Church’ radio program.

During the five day visit, Divine Liturgy was held at the missions as well as warm community gatherings and home hospitality. Despite the chilly and windy elements, the community of Auckland braved the weather for the blessing of graves.

The small but vibrant communities were richly rewarded by the pastoral visit which is highly anticipated each year.

See photos in Photo Gallery

Read the Armenian Press Release

Centenary Celebration

On the occasion of Mothers’ Day, His Eminence Archbishop Aghan Baliozian accompanied by Armenian Community Welfare Centre staff visited Mrs Antaram Krikorian to present her with a special letter of congratulations for her 100th birthday from His Holiness Karekin II Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

Mrs Krikorian, a survivor of the Armenian Genocide gratefully acknowledged the honour bestowed upon her, thanking the Primate who also gifted her a cross necklace.


Easter Fun

On Monday 18 April, 2011 the Mothers’ Group of the Armenian Community Welfare Centre gathered for an Easter celebration with children actively joining in games and traditional Easter activities. Painting eggs and an egg-cracking competition accompanied with Easter fare made for a fun morning of friendship.

The Mothers’ Awareness Group runs every Monday morning from 10.30am at the Church of Holy Resurrection. We warmly welcome the mothers of our community with their children to join the group.