Participating within the Church
The Loosavorich Church Choir
The Karasoun Mangounk Children’s Choir
The Vartanants Church Choir
Serving on the Altar with the Diaconate during the Badarak
Playing the keyboard during the Badarak and Marriage ceremonies
Sundays & Major Feastdays
Helping the Church Councillors to distribute the Holy Mas to the parishioners
Helping the Church Councillors to administer the candles
Setting up the tables and urns on the lawn for the coffee service
The Armenian Church Ladies Auxiliary (ACLA)
Helping the ACLA on Sunday for hokesourj duties
Helping the ACLA on major Feastdays (e.g St Mary’s Day luncheon, Christmas and Easter)
Helping the ACLA organise major events and functions
The Ancillary Body
Serving coffee on the lawn on Sundays after Church
Helping on major Feastdays (e.g Palm Sunday)
Helping with major events and functions
Helping with the Annual Kermesse
Volunteering for Outreach
Youth (ACYA)
Helping the ACYA organise fundraisers and functions
Helping the ACYA on major Feastdays (e.g Palm Sunday)
Additional Help Needed
To prepare the Mas
Packing and posting the Looyce
Sunday School
In-school Scripture teaching
In the Church office
Washing the shabiks for the deacons and the choirs
Supplying and arranging flowers for the altar
Helping with the annual Carols on the Lawn

For further information on how to volunteer please contact the Church office