All the faithful baptised and confirmed in the Armenian Apostolic Church by baptismal right become members of the church community who share a common faith and heritage.

The Church of Holy Resurrection invites parishioners to become subscribing church members in accordance with the By-Laws of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Australia in NSW.

Parish Membership

All persons who have been baptised, confirmed and/or married in the Armenian Apostolic Church, and who are eighteen years of age and over and residents in the Sydney parish, upon application on the official membership forms issued by the Parish Council, may become members of the Church of Holy Resurrection upon endorsement by the Council and payment of the annual subscription.

The benefits and privileges of becoming a parish member of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Holy Resurrection are:

  • You can participate* at Annual General Meetings to have a say on important church matters and issues relating to church policy;
  • You are entitled* to a casting vote on points of election;
  • You are eligible* to serve on the Parish Council of Holy Resurrection;
  • You will receive the monthly parish bulletin ‘Looyce’.

[*These entitlements are available to current members]

Membership Application Forms are available from the church office.

Membership Subscription Rates

  • Membership Type
  • Pensioners
  • Single
  • Couple
  • Looyce Subscription
  • Annual Rate
  • $55 p.a
  • $65 p.a
  • $80 p.a
  • $55 p.a
  • Discounted 3 Years
  • n/a
  • $180
  • $225
  • n/a