
The monthly bulletin of the Church of Holy Resurrection is titled Looyce which means light or enlightenment. Looyce was first published in 1955 and continues today with the same purpose of reaching out to its parishioners.

The bilingual publication encompasses spiritual messages, scriptural teachings, church and diocesan news, local and overseas reports, articles of interest and local church events.

The current national subscription rate for Looyce is $55 (AUD) per annum and is inclusive also in parish membership fees.

Subscription enquiries can be made with the church office on 9419-8056.

Click on the links to read current and past issues.


Jrak was published monthly as a printed newsletter that highlighted the activities of the parish.

It’s role in reviewing past activities and providing information on upcoming events has been replaced with online communication tools such as the E-Newsletter (to subscribe please go to the link on the right of this page) and the church Facebook page


The first issue was released on 1 June 2015. It was published bilingually and distributed on the first Sunday of each month. The last issue was published on January 2020.

Click here to read archival issues