Joachim and Anna of Nazareth were married and childless for fifty years. Now advanced in age, and in what seemed to be a hopeless, impossible situation, they both prayed and made special vows in order for God to bless them with a child.
Once, when Anna went to the garden to pray, God’s Angel appeared to her and told her that she will have a baby. Anna thanked God for hearing her prayers and promised to present her baby to God. Joachim also had the same vision. He also rendered glory to God for making him deserving of that grace.
As the result of their prayer and humility, the impossible became possible: Anna’s barrenness was transformed into fertility, and what came forth was the birth of their only child, Mary, meaning “illuminated”, a conception nothing short of a miracle.
It was Mary whom God granted the grace to be the Mother of God. As a mother she worried, suffered for her Son, but never opposed God, very well understanding the importance of the mission entrusted to her by our Lord.