On the evening of Thursday 28 March 2024, a sombre Vigil service was held, commemorating the betrayal, arrest, trial and suffering of Christ. Khavaroom (Darkness) is undoubtedly the most spiritually compelling and moving of all the Armenian Church’s services. It consists of an elaborate Night Service (Keesherayeen Zham) plus the Morning Service (Aravodyan Zham), liturgically part of Good Friday, but in actuality performed late on Holy Thursday.
After the Bible readings, the final candle and all the lights of the church were extinguished and “Glory to God in the Highest” (Park ee Partsoons) was sung.
The exquisite voice of Masha Mnjoyan resonated in the darkness as she sung the beautiful hymn “Where are you, my mother?” (Oor es Mayr Im).
At the conclusion of the service, the Worship of the Holy Cross (Khachi Ko Krisdos Yergirbakanemk) was conducted.
The Vigil service of Maundy Thursday prepares us to remember the suffering and crucifixion of our Lord on Good Friday