15 years ago, His Eminence, the late Archbishop Aghan Baliozian, of blessed memory, together with Deacon Vartan Elmasian conceived the idea of bringing the children of our church together and forming the Karasoun Mangounk Children’s Choir. Initially, under the guidance of their choirmaster Deacon Elmasian, the children practiced in the church hall on Sunday mornings, prior to taking part in the Divine Liturgy. As their confidence grew, so did the number of children joining the choir.

Over the years the Children’s Choir has been invited to and participated in many services and events both within our church and beyond.

Many of the initial choir members still actively attend the Divine Liturgy and as a result the name evolved to become the Karasoun Mangounk Youth Choir. The Palm Sunday, Easter Eve and Christmas Eve services have become well known for the joyous Soorp Badarak that the Karasoun Mangounk Youth Choir partake in.

The future of our church, faith and community continues to grow as many of the original members of the Children’s Choir are now active members of ACYA.

We congratulate Deacon Vartan Elmasian and the Karasoun Mangounk Youth Choir on reaching this blessed 15 year milestone.

“And from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” John 1:16

September 2020