On Sunday 19 September 2021 a Thanksgiving Prayer Service was offered for the Republic of Armenia to honour the 30th anniversary of the independence of the present Republic of Armenia on 21 September 1991.
The Thanksgiving Prayer Service is offered on the Sunday closest to the date of independence.
May our Lord bestow his eternal grace upon our Mayr Hayrenik and keep her strong under His loving protection.

“O Lord our God, listen to the voice of supplications of your servants and keep unshaken the Republic of Armenia, which you restored through the grace of your mercy.

Increase the grace of wisdom to those who are at the helm of the state, namely the nationally elected president, all the ministers and the entire order of the government, so that they may correctly lead your people to righteousness. Also grant to our generals and soldiers a greater spirit of valour. Plant in all of us love of Holiness and good judgment in order to know wisdom and instruction and to fulfil our obligations towards the observance of all the laws that are intended for the benefit of our nation.

Hold out your merciful hand and bless our entire people, namely the Armenian nation, and the Armenian Church, so that a spirit of love, peace, understanding and divine worship would rest upon them.

Bless, O Lord, our ancestral land, so that the site where you first established the blessed paradise—which the hands of the lawless had for many centuries thereafter turned into a desolated place—would again bloom with flowers and glow for the enjoyment of all celestial and terrestrial goods. Bless, O Lord, everything that is good in it, and especially its appellation, the name “Armenia.”

Armenia: a coveted name, tender and affecting in tone, which neither the tyrants of the world nor the vicissitudes of time could scrape and remove from our lips—and especially from our hearts. Let it resound now from one end of the world to the other, and let all the descendants of Haik who as émigrés are scattered in distant parts of the world come to her in flocks with their young, for the Lord’s deliverance has come to us.

And you, O holy Armenian Church, our Mother, daughter of the New Sion, who for so many centuries carried us in your bosom as orphaned children, and fed us the milk of the holy Gospel with the hope of our deliverance: Rejoice and be happy! Remove the veil of your mourning and sorrow! Behold, your bridegroom has come! Rise to greet him; embrace him with a kiss, repeating with the crowned prophet David (Psalm 118:24):

This is the day which the Lord has made: let us exault and rejoice in it!”