Armenians and the world indeed, met with sadness the passing of Charles Aznavour this month at aged 94 years. However he made his life count, bringing purpose to it through his music and even more through his acts of benevolence in his homeland, Armenia. The tributes were many and the State Ceremony in the courtyard at Les Invalides ahead of his private funeral the following day at St John the Baptist Armenian Cathedral, testified to how he was considered an Armenian legend.
Under the directive of His Grace Bishop Haigazoun Najarian, requiem services were held in his memory at the three parishes of our Diocese on Sunday, 7 October, seeking God to grant rest to his soul.
At the Church of Holy Resurrection in Sydney, His Grace Bishop Haigazoun Najarian performed the requiem service for the peace of the soul of the national hero of Armenia and world-renowned singer and composer. In his sermon he referred to the fact that it is by helping those around us and acting positively on a daily basis that we leave a meaningful and real legacy, and that these good deeds ultimately bring us peace and make us closer to God. It is without doubt that Charles Aznavour continually touched the lives of many in a multitude of ways and the uplifting way in which he lived his life inspires us all to boost those around us.
At the end of the service a Thanksgiving ceremony took place with the placement of flowers at the Khatchkar in the grounds of the church