On Sunday 5 February 2023, the beloved celebration of Soorp Sarkis took place at the Armenian Apostolic Church of Holy Resurrection.
Archpriest Father Norayr Patanian was the celebrant on the day with the heartfelt homily to the youth given by His Eminence Archbishop Haigazoun Najarian.
The annual Youth Blessing included a wonderful turnout, including our own ACYA Sydney members. The feast day also called for blessings of all of those young and young at heart named Sarkis.

The ACYA organised and hosted a sausage sizzle and bake stall, held on the adjacent church grounds, the proceeds to be allocated to AREV-YERAKHANER of Armenia, an NGO which supports children with Downs Syndrome, health and developmental disorders. They fund the services of specialists who care for the needs of the children, who would otherwise find the vital services difficult to access or altogether inaccessible. The centre provides services to not only the children but their families as well, by providing psychological care.