On Sunday 16 May 2021, following the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord, the Armenian Church celebrated “Second” Palm Sunday. The name of the feast has been derived from Palm Sunday, which precedes Easter. In the week leading up to His betrayal, crucifixion and resurrection, the “first” Palm Sunday symbolised the triumphant entry of Christ into Jerusalem where people met Him with great joy and glorified His Holy Name. The Second Palm Sunday is the commemoration of the triumphant entry of the Ascended Christ into the Heavenly Jerusalem, where the angels meet him with great happiness and delight.

We were blessed to have Father Kacher Harutyunyan, the Parish Priest from St Mary’s Armenian Apostolic Church in Melbourne as our guest Celebrant and Homilist.

The Melbourne Church Councillors and Father Khacher were in Sydney for the annual meeting with the Diocesan Council and other Parish Councils during the weekend.