On Friday 28 February 2020, at the Holy Resurrection Church, with the singing of the Processional Hrashapar, Archbishop Derderian made his way into the church to participate in the Rest Hour Service (Hesgoom) after which he addressed his heartfelt message to the more than 120 faithful present. Archbishop Najarian firstly introduced his spiritual brother, with whom his acquaintance and service goes back 40 years. He recollected the great responsibilities entrusted to and successful missions accomplished by Archbishop Derderian, as in the organisation of the youth pilgrimage two years ago and in 2001, the 1700th anniversary celebrations. Of course, the work placed on his shoulders today, to Chair the Mother Cathedral Restoration Committee, places no less responsibility on his shoulders. Archbishop Derderian took the opportunity to firstly express his gratitude to Archbishop Najarian and the Diocesan Council for making possible his visit to Australia. He recounted his impressions of the visit to Galstaun College and Alexander School and subsequently, explained the terrible condition in which the Mother Cathedral was in which miraculously held itself until the renovations began. He emphasised how this sanctuary is to be renovated with the united effort of its people and to serve the spiritual life of Armenians for hundreds of years to come. The Archbishop presented a video explaining the restoration work. He informed the congregants of the website launch of cathedral.com a day prior, where videos, news and historical information about the repairs were available. The faithful were later invited to the Church’s Edgarian hall, where the Ladies’ Committee of the Holy Resurrection Church hosted refreshments with Lenten finger food. Archbishop Derderian had the opportunity to mingle with the faithful to converse and answer additional questions.