On Thursday 12 February 2015 the Divine Liturgy was celebrated on the Feast of St Vartan the Captain and his 1036 Companions attended by more than 200 students and teaching staff of Galstaun College, AGBU Alexander School and other congregation members.

The Liturgy was celebrated by His Grace Bishop Haigazoun Najarian with the Reverend Fathers in attendance. The students participated in the worship service guided by their teachers joining in the Kiss of Peace (Voghjuyn), Confession and Holy Communion with the Principals of the two schools delivering the scripture readings..

The sea of school children ranging in age from 5 to17 years filling the pews of the church was a heart-warming vision. The commitment of the Schools to instil the heritage of their Christian faith in students is highly commended.

We look forward to establishing this as an annual tradition to welcome students on for Badarak on Vartanants encouraging greater interactive participation in the coming year.