Ambassador of Iran Special Visit
On the 9th of August 2017, the Ambassador of Iran, His Excellency Mr Abdolhossein Vahaji, paid a special visit to His Grace Bishop Haigazoun Najarian

Jerusalem and The Holy Land Trip
A 14 day package to Jerusalem and The Holy Land under the Auspices of His Grace Bishop Haigazoun Najarian

Progress of the Diocesan Centre
His Grace Bishop Haigazoun Najarian was on site for the first time this week to inspect the progress of the new Diocesan Centre

Diocesan Centre Sponsors Dinner
On 21 June 2107 The Fundraising Committee of the Diocese of the Armenian Church held a dinner to thank our major sponsors and pledgees for their support of the new Diocesan Centre Project

Willoughby Mayor Visits Yerevan
Clr Gail Giles-Gidney visited Armenia for a short two-day official visit on 8 & 9 June 2017. As Mayor of Willoughby, the locale of our Diocese and Church,

Diocese Representatives Assembly
His Grace Bishop Haigazoun Najarian returned to Sydney with Diocesan members after partaking in the 6th Diocese Representatives Assembly

St Nerses Shnorhali Medal Bestowed
On Sunday 7 May 2017, His Grace Bishop Haigazoun Najarian presented the encyclical of His Holness Karekin II Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians in which the St Nerses Medal of Honour was bestowed upon Mrs Laura Artinian

Primate’s Annual Banquet
The Annual Primate's Banquet took place on Sunday 30 April 2017. The beautifully organised event featured performances from many talented youth of our community

April 24 Commemoration
24 April 2017 marked the 102nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. His Grace Bishop Haigazoun Najarian and the Armenian churches, political, cultural, social