His Eminence Archbishop Haigazoun Najarian presided over the Divine Liturgy today, Sunday 14 November 2021, during which he conducted the consecration of a beautiful new Tryptich painting for the Resurrection Church.

The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Archpriest Norayr Patanian. Among the faithful in attendance were the Tryptich painting sponsors, Jack and Rita Nercessian and Meline Ter-Abrahamyan, the artist responsible for the paintings.

Archbishop Najarian washed the painting and then anointed it with Holy Muron. He was accompanied in prayer with Father Avetis Hambardzumyan and Father Norayr Patanian as the blessing ceremony took place.

Consecration of an icon or painting makes it “holy” or “extraordinary” by tradition of the church. The consecration service is a special part of our heritage and tradition and one that every Armenian should witness at some point in their life.

The Primate blessed and commended the faithful for their contribution to this wonderful piece which will be mounted on the balcony level of the church. This will enable parishioners to be reminded of God’s love and grace as they leave the church and read the words on the Tryptich ?

“The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and the Communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen”

2 Corinthians 13:14.