The warm hospitality of the Holy Resurrection Church Parish Council once again brought all the church servants together for the annual church family dinner on Friday 1 December 2023.
His Eminence Archbishop Haigazoun Najarian presided over the evening with his presence. He was joined by Reverend Fathers Archpriest Norayr Patanian, Archpriest Bartev Karakashian, Pastor Father Avetis Hambardzumyan, Diocesan and Parish Councils, Properties Committee members, deacons, acolytes, choir members of the Ladies Auxiliary, ACYA youth, Sunday school teachers, Scripture teachers, Ancillary body, Radio Program and Looyce magazine, Mas and Sunday coffee ladies, Church office and ACWC staff.
During the evening’s program, Mr Zaven Hacopian a long-serving former Parish Councillor as Treasurer and similarly on the Properties Committee, as well as Mr and Mrs Avo and Jackie Tevanian who have demonstrated their deep loyalty to the church as supportive members with their benefaction, were honoured as Honorary Life Members.
Before the evening’s program was to conclude, an impressively large cake organised by the Parish Council, surprised Vice-chairman Mr Bedros Zorlu on his 87th birthday.
It truly was another memorable occasion in the life of our church as we gathered together connected in one spirit as a family unit