God shows His love toward us, in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us… we know that Christ, been raised from the dead…likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead to sin, and alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 5:8; 6: 9-11)

Beloved Faithful,

On behalf of our Diocesan Clergy, Council and all Diocesan establishments we congratulate you on the Feast of Holy Easter, the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Resurrection of our Lord is the anchor of our faith, it was so for the Apostles and thus for all the Christians from generation to generation.

Resurrection declares life’s victory over death, the light radiating from the tomb of Christ, heralds the annihilation of darkness, Our Lord proclaimed the greatest teaching of love with His self-offering on the cross, through His blood shed on the cross He wiped the sin, Satan’s seal from the forehead of humanity,   to find the paradise lost and the way to our Heavenly Father.

This year’s theme is the Family. If the Love of the Risen Lord does not dwell in our dwelling, the rest is in vain. True love, respect and commitment make the family’s life span longer and meaningful. A child’s religious and traditional education starts at home, it is here that the child will receive the first instructions on the Armenian faith, and your way of life as parents will be copied and followed. You will be the ones to direct the first footstep of the child to the church; and it is here that the child will be nourished spiritually, grow and mature with his spiritual inheritance, armoured with the light of Resurrection and with the hope of victory to confront all the challenges of this life.

It is our prayers that the Risen Lord might dwell in your hearts, and strengthen you with the victory of life, where there is despair to give you hope, where weakness courage, where fear strength and where hate love. Having nurtured ourselves with teachings of our Lord and with the vision of the victorious resurrection we can persevere as an individual, as a family, as a community, diaspora, Fatherland, Artsakh and bring our input for the preservation of this world and for the final victory of the good.

O Christ, we are all enlightened through your light and to your holy cross we believers have entrusted.   (Sunrise Service)


Archbishop Haigazoun Najarian

Click here to read the Primate’s Easter Message in Armenian