Our Sunday school students in the capable hands of Yeretsgin Hasmik presented a festive evening of recitations and readings to herald in the holy season on Saturday 12 December 2015. The Karasoun Mangounk Children’s Choir led by Deacon Vartan Elmasian provided the choral accompaniment with those looking on joining in the carol singing. Candles shimmered as the darkness of evening set in upon the breezy night that reflected the Light that came into the fallen world more than 2,000 years ago with the Holy Birth.
Of course any children’s occasion to celebrate Christmas has a visit from Santa Clause who arrived bearing gifts of cheer. His Grace Bishop Haigazoun Najarian provided his fatherly words of commendation and encouragement.
Throughout the evening ACYA youth with the helping hands of our Church ladies served delicious Armenian kebab rolls to help raise funds for a mission project in Armenia. More than $1100 was raised and donated to assist renovations of a small school in the region of Gavar to build basic amenities like bathrooms for the children to use.