The aftermath of the war in Artsakh continues to take a toll on the most vulnerable. Displaced families face arduous winter months ahead. Deprived of shelter, food, medical care, or emotional support, our brothers and sisters will suffer greatly without our support.

His Eminence Archbishop Haigazoun Najarian has announced the next fundraising effort of the Diocese which is in collaboration with the Department of Social Services of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, a new humanitarian initiative that is underway to support displaced families from Artsakh. Funds will initially help families now residing in transitional housing, with further support designated for families repatriating to Artsakh, rebuilding their homes in the lives under the most challenging circumstances.

The duration of this specific Winter Outreach Appeal is from December 2020 to March 2021 with a target group of 10,000 repatriates and 40,000 displaced.

Your monthly donation of 300AUD (1,200AUD over 4 months) will assist families of 2-4 people providing food and utilities.

Please join Archbishop Najarian who leads the sponsorship drive with his personal support of a family and pledge your assistance in helping a displaced or repatriated family.

Please see the announcement above for details on how to donate.