On Saturday 23 May 2015, church leaders, members of Parliament, ambassadors and consuls were present at an ecumenical service presided by His Grace Bishop Najarian at St Stephen’s Uniting Church in Sydney in commemoration of the Armenian Genocide Centenary. Honour was bestowed upon representative nations that supported Armenian refugees during and after the Genocide. Recognition and commendation was expressed to the Australian churches and secular organisations which during 1916 to 1930 assisted thousands of Armenian orphans from certain death.

Historian Vicken Babkenian displayed an exhibition of photos and press articles by journalists and officials of the times; documenting the great kindness of the Australian people. Addresses were delivered by Diocesan Council Vice-chairman Mr Stepan Kerkyasharian, Mr Vicken Babkenian and Willoughby City Mayor Gail Giles-Gidney.